
Punch Taverns plc’s restructuring

Date Announced:

Angelo Gordon & Co.

Closed – 10/2014

£2.3 billion Read the case study

Financial Advisor to Angelo Gordon and Co-ordinator of Junior Noteholders in connection with the £2.3 billion Restructuring of Punch Taverns

On October 8, 2014, Punch Taverns plc (“Punch”), the second largest leased pub operator in the UK, successfully completed its restructuring of the Punch A and Punch B securitizations. Significant changes in the commercial environment coupled with an over-levered capital structure drove Punch to initiate a review of its capital structure, ultimately resulting in a comprehensive financial restructuring which created a more robust and sustainable debt structure. The restructuring plan was agreed to by 17 different note tranches and shareholders and achieved strong support from all stakeholders throughout the process, with over 75% voting in approval at each of the meetings. Moelis & Company acted as exclusive financial advisor to Angelo Gordon, the single largest creditor across both Punch securitizations, coordinated the Junior Noteholder group, and played a pivotal role by developing the debt-for-equity proposal which was eventually implemented as part of the restructuring. The transaction represents one of the most high-profile European whole-business securitization restructurings in 2014.

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